Fort Lauderdale Winter Fine Art Festival | January 2017 Agreement

Risk and Liability / General Release


The applicant releases and agrees to hold harmless Paragon Fine Art Festivals (hereafter known as Paragon) including all festival hosts, villages, towns, municipalities, property owners, sponsors and vendors from any loss/theft or damage to their property, or any personal injury, however caused or inflicted, which they or their helpers sustain while setting up or participating in any Paragon.


There will be no refunds in the event the Show is cancelled for weather or other such reason. 


If accepted, the applicant agrees that photographs submitted by the artist during the application process and/or images taken during the event which may include the artist, their booth, or their work may be used by Paragon for promotional or publicity purposes.


The applicant also agrees to abide by the rules, policies, and guidelines developed for the Art Festival as stated on the website, in this Paragon show application, as listed on the Paragon Fine Arts Festival website, and in all future correspondence. The Artist also acknowledges and accepts that failure to follow these regulations may result in expulsion from any and all of this year’s or future Paragon events.


Further, Paragon reserves the right to make the final interpretation of all rules and policies. Under no circumstance shall Paragon be liable to me for any CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR OTHER DAMAGES.


I have reviewed the show information, rules and regulations and agree to the terms.  Submitting my work for the jury process and subsequently paying a jury fee and if accepted, a booth fee to participate in the event both are done with full acknowledgement of these terms.