Art & Craft Show Old Town San Diego 2017 Agreement

Terms of Exhibition:  I have read and agree to all of the specified terms and conditions set forth in the Art & Craft Show Old Town San Diego Application.  As a participant, I further release and indemnify the Art & Craft Show Old Town San Diego and all of its duly appointed representatives of liability and responsibility for any damage, injury, or loss sustained by exhibitors, guests or other participants before, during, and after the Show or as a result of the display of my work, equipment, or materials.  I understand that the Show management reserves the right to remove anything that does not meet the standards set forth in this application.  I understand that there are no refunds or rain checks due to inclement weather.  I agree to accept all decisions of the Festival management.  I agree to allow the Show management use of enclosed slides, photos, and other promotional materials, including photographs and videotapes taken at each Show for the purposes of promotion of the show this year and future years.  The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, the Old Town San Diego Chamber of Commerce, its clients and affiliated organizations or entities, directors, officers, agents, employees, or any of the above from any and all liabilities, demands, claims, damages, or costs to property or persons as a result of participating in the Art & Craft Show Old Town San Diego 2017.