6th Street Market 17.18 – Downtown Tempe Agreement

I understand that my application fee will not be refunded if I leave, am asked to leave for any reason, inclement weather conditions that may occur during the event to cause cancellations, or if I do not attend for any reason. I also understand that the submission of my registration and fee signifies agreement to all rules set forth. I certify and release liability and accident waiver, for the administrators of Downtown Tempe Foundation, Inc, Downtown Tempe Authority, The City of Tempe, and any individual therein, in the event of an accident, loss or damage to all or part of my exhibit, or personal property, while participating at Downtown Tempe Authority events. I agree to a $25 fee for all returned checks, cancellations and foreign funds. Downtown Tempe Authority has my permission to reproduce my artwork, through slides/photos I have submitted for the purpose of advertising and marketing the event. Downtown Tempe Authority also has my permission to publish photographs or videos taken of me, my booth and my artwork during the event for purposes related to the promotion of the event, past or future. Downtown Tempe Authority reserves the right to make final interpretation of all rules. I will use weights to adequately secure my display.