Summerfest 2019 - Center for the Arts Evergreen Agreement

Notice to Vendors and Liability Waiver


The Center for the Arts Evergreen (CAE), Summerfest, and the Evergreen Parks and Recreation District (EPRD) provide booth space and an opportunity to display and sell their work or product to the public.  CAE, Summerfest and EPRD make no representations to vendors as to the amount of sales they might anticipate.  Nor do CAE, Summerfest, EPRD, or Bergen Meadow Elementary School assume any responsibility for loss or damage to the vendor’s person or property while they are participating in Summerfest.


All vendors are entitled to utilize their assigned booth space as they deem fit subject only to the restriction that the work displayed must be of the quality and in the media for which they were juried in, that their booth and/or activities present no safety hazards, and that their work is suitable for a general viewing audience, including children. CAE reserves the right to exclude any word it deems visibly pornographic or not suited for a general audience.


Should vendors choose to do so, they may leave canopies, stands and product overnight at the athletic fields, but do so at their own risk.  CAE, Summerfest and EPRD recommend that all artists remove all artwork and valuables overnight.  While the CAE has provided for overnight security, we cannot guarantee coverage.


By participating in Summerfest and utilizing the booth space assigned, the exhibitor acknowledges and accepts the above terms and agrees that he/she will not hold CAE (its staff or Board of Directors), Summerfest, EPRD, Bergen Meadow Elementary School or any of the volunteers or committee members or staff liable for any loss or damage to person or property while participating in this event.

Center for the Arts Evergreen reserves the right to cancel Summerfest due to an Act of God, weather, or other unforeseen events that will jeopardize the health and safety to the public.

I further agree to abide by the rules, policies and guidelines as set forth in this application.

I understand that I display and store my artwork at my own risk. Center for the Arts Evergreen does not carry insurance to cover my artwork.

By signing this form, I agree to abide by all the rules set forth in this application.