Art in the Castle - Fine Art Fine Wine Fair 2020 Agreement

All artists agree to show only their orginal artwork representative of the images provided to the jury.

This is an indoor show. Artist must bring all their own displays, tables, charis, etc.

All artists agree to be postitive, respectful, and professional and adhere to the rules and regulations of the event, venue, staff and volunteers.

All artists agree to be present and represent their own work during all fair hours.

You agree to the right of the event to photograph your space during the fair, and the use of submitted application images, to use in promotional materials for this year and future years.

Security will be furnished during hours closed, but the event, promoters, staff, and venue are not liable for any losses or damages occuring on the grounds at any time.

All artists agree to indeminfy and hold harmless Art as Healing Foundation, Art Fair Fun, Canterbury Village, and all staff. You understand that none of these entities are responsible for any losses or damages to work, personal injury or property damage, nor will any legal action be taken against them or their agents.

All artists will furnish a copy of their liability insurance and name Art Fair Fun and Orchard Lake Schools as co-insured for the event. {We can recommend an event insurance company if needed.}

Refunds are not given. This is a rain or shine evenrt. Any medical emergency must be submitted in writing with doctors note for consideration.

Questions?  Call Karyn 734 476 1772