The ZAPP team regularly releases new features, improvements, and fixes for the site. Read on to see what changed in the month of January!


Image Zoom for the Monitor Jury

This enhancement gives jurors the ability to zoom in on images while reviewing and scoring applicants within a monitor jury. Artists can see this feature while using the Preview as Juror option when completing an application.

To use image zoom, artists and jurors can zoom in or out by dragging the slider or scrolling up to zoom in and scrolling down to zoom out. Clicking on the image also allows users to zoom in on a particular section.

Image of a side of an animal with feathers
Zoomed in photo of a birds feathers
Original photo by Dejan Zakic on Unsplash

Error Message Enhancement for Profile Page

In a recent update, the new user registration page — or an existing user’s “My Profile” page — was changed so text boxes turn red and have an exclamation mark to the right side if errors exist. Clicking on this exclamation mark brings up additional information for the user to understand what items to correct. Previously, the error messages would display in red at the top of the page.

Image of the new user registration page before the update
Image of the new user registration page after the update. Text boxes are highlighted in red. Additional informational boxes are next tot he side of the text boxes

An Additional Login Page

When artists who were not yet logged in were browsing a show’s information page, clicking the Apply to Show button brought them to the registration page. This was a positive workflow for brand-new users, but it sometimes prompted artists who already had ZAPP profiles to unintentionally create new accounts. Now, the Apply to Show button redirects users to a login page.

Gif of clicking on the Apply to This Show button and being taken to the Login page

Confirmation Before Deleting Questions

Before an administrator deletes a question, they will now see a pop up asking them to confirm the action. This helps ensure active questions and artist responses are not unintentionally deleted.


Image Submission History

Following the release of some new features, the artist’s Image Submission History stopped displaying even when the artist had applied to that event in prior years. This has been corrected.

Spam Score Report

Spam scores were not generating for emails sent through the ZAPP system. This has now been resolved. Administrators can run a spam report under Reports > Event Communication Spam Score Report to learn how likely it it was that their message ended up in recipients’ spam folders.

Screenshot of the administrator menu bar with Reports highlighted and Events Communication Spam Score Report highlighted below it

Do you have a suggestion for a new feature on ZAPP? Send us an email at